Understanding 'AND' and 'OR' Logic

When setting conditions for your customization, you can use 'AND' and 'OR' logic to create complex, multi-condition customization. Here's how they work.

'AND' Logic

When you use 'AND' logic, all conditions must be met for the customization to apply. For example, if you set a rule to apply when a customer's total order history is above $500 'AND' their shipping address is in New York, the customization will only apply if both conditions are met.

'OR' Logic

When you use 'OR' logic, the rule will apply if any one of the conditions is met. For example, if you set a customization to apply when a customer's total order history is above $500 'OR' their shipping address is in New York, the rule will apply if either condition is met.

Grouping Conditions

You can chain multiple conditions together using a mix of 'AND' and 'OR' logic. The order of the conditions and the grouping of conditions can affect the outcome. For example, a customization with conditions (A 'AND' B) 'OR' C will apply if either C is true, or both A and B are true.

Remember, the order of operations matters when chaining conditions. Conditions in parentheses are evaluated first, followed by 'AND' operations, and then 'OR' operations. So, be mindful of the order in which you set your conditions.

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