Checkout App Blocks

Quick introduction to our App Blocks and how you can use them

Checkout App Blocks are a new feature from Shopify that allows you to add custom components to the Shopify checkout. This means you can add custom fields, buttons, and more to the checkout flow, to collect data and display important information to customers.

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Are you looking to conditionally show/hide an app block, then you can click here to learn how to link checkout blocks to a checkout customization in Checkout Logic.

How to add Checkout Blocks

Checkout App Blocks are only available on Shopify Plus subscriptions. If you're on a Shopify Plus subscription, you can use Checkout App Blocks by following these steps:

1. Go to Settings > Checkout in your Shopify admin

2. In the first section, titled 'Checkout Customization' you will see your draft checkout profiles and/or your live checkout profile. Click 'Customize' on the profile you want to edit.

3. When the editor loads, click 'Add app block' in bottom of the left sidebar.

4. Browse the list of available app blocks and click on the one you want to add.

Configuring App Blocks

Once you've added an app block, it will open the configuration panel on the left side of the screen. All app blocks have different configuration options.

Collect data: Save to metafields

App blocks with user input, like the Date Picker, allow you to save data to the order's metafields. This is useful if you want to save data to the order for later use. To do so, you'll need to create a metafield in the Shopify admin. You can read about defining custom fields in Shopify's Manual.

Why is Shopify Plus required?

Shopify Plus is required because the API for Shopify's Checkout UI Extensions are only available on the Shopify Plus plan.

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